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1- In your hosting account create record name: ts.your.domain type: A record: yourIPserver
2- In your hosting account create record name: _tsdns._tcp.your.domain type: SRV Priority: 0 Weight: 5 Port: 41144 Target: ts.your.domain
3- In your linux server open port 41144
4- Download teadns.zip in next link
5- Unzip teadns.zip in /home/ folder
6- Make sure that the owner of the files is user teaspeak and that he has permission to execute
6- Go to /home/teadns/ and put your dns in file tsdns_settings.ini
7- Go to /home/teadns/startscript and execute ./teadns start
8- the following message will appear
TSDNS Server started, for details please view the log file...

I hope it works, because it works perfectly for me.


Active member
I know this thread is really old, but I can't really get TSDNS to work properly...
I keep getting the same message: "Exception: bind: Address already in use.
Anyone knows the solution?


What problem do you have? My tsdns is working now, if you have some problem. Please reply whit details about the problem.


Active member
Okay! After a long fight I finally did it!
Here's what I did:
(I'm using OVH domain and Debian 9 as my OS)
1. I added A record - tsdns.domain.com
2. Then I added SRV record - _tsdns._tcp IN SRV 0 5 41144 tsdns.domain.com
3. After that I downloaded and extracted TSDNS from elzek1's post to home/teadns.
4. I changed permissions to the entire folder (I used root with 777 permission, I know it's not safe, but it works).
5. I added a new record to tsdns_settings.ini (which is inside teadns folder I added earlier) with the following syntax: subdomain.domain.com = ip.address: port of my 2nd TeaSpeak virtual server.
6. With shell access I executed the following command while inside the teadns folder :' ./tsdnsserver '. Sometimes I had a message saying that address is already in use.
There's an easy solution to this. Execute this command to kill whatever's using the 41144 port: ' lsof -ti:41144 | xargs kill -9 '.
7. Launch the tsdnsserver file again. The server should see lines added to the .ini file, if you have the right permission config.

This worked for me, it's not guaranteed to work for YOU!


Well-known member
:/home/teadns/startscript# ./teadns stop
Stopping the TSDNS Server.done
rm: cannot remove 'tsdnsserver.pid': Permission