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Server When should one use i_server_group_*_power vs i_group_*_power?


Fanatic member
Premium User
This is driving me nuts. I have more than 20 virtual server instances and this makes Migrating from standard TS3 servers to TeaSpeak servers a hassle. Each one of theese 20 virtual instances are managed by one client of mine, and all of my clients are having trouble setting one permission without setting the other. What should I use in general for SERVER GROUPS (idk why you have both i_group and i_servergroup, I know that's nice to have a i_channel_group, but dont need to split up even more)?

If I just eliminate all i_server_group_* permissions will i_group_* fallback? Or which one takes precedence?

Btw, one can't simply say "I've said tons of times to not use TS3 permissions editor", because when you host the server and gives full admin privileges to the client, you would need to demand all of them who want to change a simple permission to download external software? (I know it's harmless, but those people have 10-15 different TS's connected at the same time using the standard TS3 client. Than having just TeaClient for setting the perms... Not something they want. I've already talked to them thru it)


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
in general use the i_<channel/server>_group_* permissions.
The i_group_* permissions are only for the TS3 client so it could determine if you're able to assign a group or not.

You don't need another software. Use the TeaWeb client for example.
As well if TS3 would not have this 8-bit permission id bug everything would be fine, but they have so its not possible to work around.