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Recent content by bazziga

  1. bazziga

    Completed crash server

    It also happens that the server itself turns off with such an error [2018-08-26 22:32:54] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31m GEN | bind(this->socketFd, (const sockaddr *) localAdress, sizeof(sockaddr_in)) < 0[0m [2018-08-27 14:46:45] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31m 55 |...
  2. bazziga

    Completed crash server

    Hello. After the transfer of the silver from Tea*Speak to teaspeak the server began to fall with an error: [2018-08-27 15:24:39] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31m GEN | The server crashed![0m [2018-08-27 15:24:39] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31m GEN | Wrote crash dump to...
  3. bazziga

    Hello. I'm sending you a link to crash dump https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ByX7/EWAXnm9Md

    Hello. I'm sending you a link to crash dump https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ByX7/EWAXnm9Md
  4. bazziga

    crash server

    folder "crash_dumps" I do not ( http://prntscr.com/kmi86r but these dumps are old http://prntscr.com/kmi8hw
  5. bazziga

    crash server

    probably this https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8RiY/ss3FV6wBC
  6. bazziga

    crash server

    tell me which file is needed?
  7. bazziga

    crash server

    Hello. The server is constantly crashing (Here is the log: [2018-08-24 16:50:25] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31mQUERY | Could not shutdown query client socket! 107 (Transport endpoint is not connected)[0m [2018-08-24 17:32:20] [[1m[7m[0;31mCRITICAL] [1m[7m[0;31mQUERY | Could not shutdown...
  8. bazziga

    yatqa license

    Yes. Wrote on the [email protected]. In response - silence (Other contact data I did not find (
  9. bazziga

    yatqa license

  10. bazziga

    yatqa license

    Hello. There was such a problem. You need to transfer around 100 virtual servers to teaspeak. I donated yatqa about 14 days ago and I still have not received an activation key. It is urgent to transfer all my servers. Can anyone share the license with yatqa or tell me another way, how can I move...