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Pending privilege tokens not deleting after use


does anyone have this issue? tokens created for server groups not getting deleted after usage .
last version : 1.5.6


Active member
Never faced something similar, what I could face was when doing permreset, old tokens still appearing but not working. Maybe the background issue is the same


this bug exist in 1.5.6 . the token created have value 0 in database column (max_uses) and so unlimited uses.
tested on fresh installation


Active member
dude.i've been using since 1.2.29 . most stable version is 1.5.6 all of the previous ones have some issues i cant just mention them here. so if you have a solution on this version kindly offer.thank you
Version 1.5.6 is full of bugs. When you create a query group, that query group does not appear on other ports. I recommend you to use 1.4.22 or 1.4.21-beta versions. I'm using an older version of Teaspeak.