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Teaspeak consuming too many resources


New member

My teaspeak server with 240 people is consuming too many resources. It uses optimized files and although I do the best configurations, it consumes excessive resources as in the picture.



Fanatic member
Sunucuda kullandığınız İşlemci modeli nedir ve kaç işlemci kullanıyorsunuz? İşlemci Mhz limiti kaç?


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Premium User
We are in a global forum, I write in English so that people who can speak different languages can follow the topic.
Türkçe yazabilirsiniz bende Türküm. Bilemedim bir de sürümü değiştirip deneyin isterseniz
You can write in Turkish, I am Turkish. I did not know, but if you want to change the version and try

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translation for you
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