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Search results

  1. A

    Completed License Problem

    I am using a Host-Provider-License in protocol_key and got no problems. :)
  2. A

    Completed The server periodically loads the CPU

    Please sent me a private message, I'll try to help you.
  3. A

    Completed Why deleted my query permissions (id:2 )

    Please write me PM with your teaspeak IP. I'll join and help you, wtf.
  4. A

    Completed The server periodically loads the CPU

    No, never got that issue. Are you running only TeaSpeak on your VPS?
  5. A

    Completed The server periodically loads the CPU

    As I also already said, I never got any problems like this. After 2 days runtime my server load is still like: http://prntscr.com/kub3b4
  6. A

    Completed Why deleted my query permissions (id:2 )

    Man, just reinstall your server - you did that mistake, not @WolverinDEV Backup your servers and then reinstall - what's so hard?
  7. A

    Completed The server periodically loads the CPU

    I can provide you a stable vps - contact me via PM.
  8. A

    Completed The server periodically loads the CPU

    Which server os are you using and from where you got that vps?
  9. A

    yatqa license

    Just use TSI (http://Tea*Speak-interface.de)
  10. A

    Server Gruppen Icons

    Standardmäßig läuft der Server sowieso im SQLite-Betrieb und nicht über MySQL - dementsprechend hast du auch keine Zugangsdaten zu einer Datenbank. Aber es gibt ebenfalls Tools um SQLite Datenbanken zu bearbeiten. Den Rest deiner Frage kann ich leider nicht beantworten, da ich mich noch nie...
  11. A

    Completed IOS Teaspeak Server NoSound/NoMic

    Please sent me your TeaSpeak IP in PM. I'll also test.
  12. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    Okay, I'll wait for your feedback.
  13. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    Please try Debian 9.5 - I can provide you a VPS for testing if you want.
  14. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    And you dont understand that I also dont have any problems on a VPS with 1GB RAM. Which OS are you using and from where you got your VPS?
  15. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    Yea they are talking sh*t.
  16. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    @Saci if you want I can provide you a fresh new installation Debian 9.5 VPS on my node and you can test it there.
  17. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    10 servers and around 60 users.
  18. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    But sure you got any problems when you buy any vps with hardware overusing or did something wrong on your vps.
  19. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    As you can see I am also running a webserver and teaspeak server on my 4gb RAM machine and got also only a load of 300mb ram. I can set the VPS ram to 1gb if you want and it's still working without any problems.
  20. A

    Memory Leak / Fragmention bug

    And how much RAM uses your teaspeak processes? Can you show it, please?