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Adding Documentation

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First I would like to say that I love what you all have been doing with this software! I would like to offer a suggestion brought to me whilst trying to setup a query based system. The system I was trying to setup was: https://github.com/Newcomer1989/TSN-Ranksystem
However, it seemed to have issues when the bot ran, but nothing in the error log. When I reported it to their Issue Tracker, I was given the following responses:
The developer has already taken a look at this, but due to a lack of documentation he has not pursued it any further.
As you yourself said "For the most part, the query should act the same" - as long as no 100% support is promised by the developer, I won't spend any time dealing with an undocumented alpha software."

The Issue is here for those that would like to get a full context of the situation: https://github.com/Newcomer1989/TSN-Ranksystem/issues/563

I took a look at another issue referenced, and it seemed that their developers couldn't do much since they claim that there isn't much/any documentation on TeaSpeak's end. So that would be my suggestion if possible. If what they are asking exists, please tell me and I'll gladly point them to it and call them on their laziness to look.

Thanks much!


Dunno, since iam not using the bot, nor teaspeak anymore, but this looks not right for me:

Clients found in the Tea*Speak database: 0


That was what I was thinking. After posting the links they somehow missed, this was their response:
Okay, then still the dev have to look into this.
Only idea i have so far is -> Do you use .svg icons? Because they are currently not supported.
So thanks for the reponse! I'll mark this as solved and lock it for now (if I can)
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