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Server How to install TeaSpeak Server (Linux)


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
Hi guys
This thread is intended for all users who want to know how to install a TeaSpeak server.

Recommended systems:
Debian 10/11/12
Ubuntu 20/22/24

Software you may need:
Putty (to connect by ssh)
WinSCP (to connect by sftp)
Yatqa (to manage / create your TeaSpeak server instances)

*If you do not want to manually install TeaSpeak Server,
you can simply use the already provided script.
If you want to install it manually, then follow the next tutorial.

TeaSpeak Server Install Tutorial

1. Connect your linux server using putty (ssh).

2. Update and Install the server dependencies:
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install -y wget curl screen xz-utils libnice10
3. Create a new user and password:
adduser teaspeak
4. Download and install the latest stable TeaSpeak server version available (Recommended: x64 Systems)

x86 Systems:
su - teaspeak
wget https://repo.teaspeak.de/server/linux/x86_stable/TeaSpeak-$(curl -k https://repo.teaspeak.de/server/linux/x86_stable/latest).tar.gz -O TeaSpeak-Latest.tar.gz
x64 Systems:
su - teaspeak
wget https://repo.teaspeak.de/server/linux/amd64_stable/TeaSpeak-$(curl -k https://repo.teaspeak.de/server/linux/amd64_stable/latest).tar.gz -O TeaSpeak-Latest.tar.gz
5. Extract the downloaded files
tar -xzf TeaSpeak-Latest.tar.gz
rm TeaSpeak-Latest.tar.gz
6. Start TeaSpeak server for the first time (ATTENTION: Save the serveradmin password and token!)
Type CTRL+C to stop the server.

7. Done! TeaSpeak Server is installed, you only need to start it:
./teastart.sh start
If you want to stop it:
./teastart.sh stop
Now you can connect your server machine by sftp to check the files (server folder: /home/teaspeak)
and you can use yatqa to manage / create your TeaSpeak server instances.
Default Ports: 9987 (udp / port), 10101 (tcp / query) and 30303 (tcp / ftp)
You can edit it in "config.yml" file inside your server folder.

I hope this tutorial will help the forum users! ;)


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
Follow the tutorial with attention step by step or use the available script.
You didnt installed the necessary dependencies.


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
We do not support 3rd party related software.
About "certificate invalid date" there are already several threads in this forum.
Check them here: link


Active member
Curl is not Installed, It gives error 404
Execute this commands as sudo to install it in case you are doing so without permissions:

sudo apt install -y wget curl screen xz-utils libnice10

For error 404 it's usually something blocking the communication or server error (this last one is discarded). CHeck your firewall and ensure you are allowing https protocol


New member
Execute this commands as sudo to install it in case you are doing so without permissions:

sudo apt install -y wget curl screen xz-utils libnice10

For error 404 it's usually something blocking the communication or server error (this last one is discarded). CHeck your firewall and ensure you are allowing https protocol
tnx 😍


New member
I followed the tutorial and so far everything worked fine, but it just keeps connecting and doesn't enter the server, I've already released port 10101 and nothing connects. Does anyone have an idea what could be happening?


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
If you correctly followed the tutorial steps, then you should be able to connect teaspeak server using teaspeak client.
By default the port to connect your server using teaspeak client is 9987 udp.
10101 tcp is the query port.
You can check / edit the server port using yatqa.


New member
If you correctly followed the tutorial steps, then you should be able to connect teaspeak server using teaspeak client.
By default the port to connect your server using teaspeak client is 9987 udp.
10101 tcp is the query port.
You can check / edit the server port using yatqa.
Thank you very much for your help, I redid the tutorial and it worked perfectly. Gratitude!