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Server insufficient client permissions (failed on i_permission_modify_power)


Fanatic member
Hello. 1.4.8 I am using the server version I get this error when trying to make a setting in the teaspeak server. I can't even enable the power up setting.

My permissions settings are : https://prnt.sc/unfrcr

insufficient client permissions (failed on i_permission_modify_power)


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
I don't have the problem with "i_permission_modify_power" on my server. ^^
so I can't say where the problem is. since I never got the error atm.


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
Why can't you update?
I bet it's fixed in one of the versions after it^^
I know that I've changed the permission system around that time a bit... PS Lookup the changelog to get more details.