Active member
Works great etc... just in future i would like to disconnect bots in one command line, now i have to select individual then remove them, also making custom commands from .mbot "alias" ".mbot yt" ".mbot jutjub" or ".yt link" , from client, not in configs
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Also musicbot video from youtube that plays in client or stream or whatever would be a nice (cpu,ram agressive) feature !
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Theres already post about this, https://forum.teaspeak.de/index.php?threads/custom-bot-commands.1065/Works great etc... just in future i would like to disconnect bots in one command line, now i have to select individual then remove them, also making custom commands from .mbot "alias" ".mbot yt" ".mbot jutjub" or ".yt link" , from client, not in configs
Also musicbot video from youtube that plays in client or stream or whatever would be a nice (cpu,ram agressive) feature !
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