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Active member
hallo ich habe einen sinusbot sobald ich einen 2 bot auf dem Tea starte stürzt der server ab.


Active member
wird gemacht . habe gerade festgestellt das der server auch so down geht mit einem bot

Details sende ich noch


Active member
1. bot gestartet

[2018-08-07 23:26:53] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 26/ie2rxStMOUDHkJ9ARN9lcrxPrcA= (90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51636 joined.
[2018-08-07 23:26:53] [ERROR] 7 | Command handling of command permissionlist needs 29ms
[2018-08-07 23:26:53] [ERROR] 7 | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51636/90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫] Handling of packet Command needs more than 10ms (29ms)
[2018-08-07 23:26:56] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code
[2018-08-07 23:26:56] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code

läuft auch erst mal

join in den Kanal wo der bot ist

[2018-08-07 23:28:56] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code
[2018-08-07 23:28:56] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code

2. bot starten

[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 24/edGjZEzEs82J8mExlxR2XifGtDc= (N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998 joined.
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | Command handling of command setconnectioninfo needs 11ms
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998/N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫] Handling of packet Command needs more than 10ms (11ms)
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | Command handling of command permissionlist needs 11ms
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998/N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫] Handling of packet Command needs more than 10ms (12ms)

im kanal hin und her kommt das

[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 24/edGjZEzEs82J8mExlxR2XifGtDc= (N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998 joined.
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | Command handling of command setconnectioninfo needs 11ms
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998/N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫] Handling of packet Command needs more than 10ms (11ms)
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | Command handling of command permissionlist needs 11ms
[2018-08-07 23:30:14] [ERROR] 7 | [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998/N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫] Handling of packet Command needs more than 10ms (12ms)
[2018-08-07 23:32:01] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code
[2018-08-07 23:32:01] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code
[2018-08-07 23:32:01] [ERROR] 7 | Client 90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫ tried to edit a not existing channel property return_code
[2018-08-07 23:32:22] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 26/ie2rxStMOUDHkJ9ARN9lcrxPrcA= (90er ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51636 left.
[2018-08-07 23:32:22] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 2/Ei5lDSBVNJIBTNw5Gqh0c9spO9Q= (Xopen) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:45651 left.
[2018-08-07 23:32:22] [INFO] 7 | Voice client 24/edGjZEzEs82J8mExlxR2XifGtDc= (N-Joy ♬·¯·♩¸¸¸♪·¯·♫) from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:57998 left.

ts log

<23:32:01> Von Server getrennt (undefined error)

neu verbinden auf denn server geht nicht ob ich denn bot aus mache ist egal. muss jetzt backup einspielen


Active member
> Could not resolve permission 'b_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission b_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: b_virtualserver_modify_nickname
> Could not resolve permission 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname
> Could not resolve permission 'b_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission b_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: b_virtualserver_modify_nickname
> Could not resolve permission 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname
> Could not resolve permission 'b_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission b_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: b_virtualserver_modify_nickname
> Could not resolve permission 'i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname'
[2018-08-07 23:37:01] [ERROR] GEN | Failed to parse permission i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname. Original: i_needed_modify_power_virtualserver_modify_nickname
[2018-08-07 23:37:02] [ERROR] GEN | Could not delete missing server directory (server_7)
[2018-08-07 23:37:02] [ERROR] 8 | Found unknown property in database! (virtualserver_nickname)
[2018-08-07 23:37:02] [ERROR] 8 | Found unknown property in database! (virtualserver_accounting_token)

das ist nicht gut :)


Active member
Tea ist noch 1.2.1 sinusbot =0.13.37-9791176

und bei mir ist immer Debian am start aktuell


TeaSpeak Team
Staff member
Das disconnected liegt an dem sinus bot.
Dieser Bug ist in der neuesten Version gefixt :)