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Outdated TeaSpeak License | server version is too old for command

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New member

I am making this thread regarding the latest version of Tea(m)Speak not working on the TeaSpeak servers, Is there anyway to fix this issue other than downgrading my client because I've got many clients and players that connect on a daily basis. Any help would be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


New member
I've tried running this on the latest version but it's giving me issues with "server version is to old for command".


New member
First of all, I appreciate your help,

Where do I edit in here?

#The configuration version.
#Do NOT modify!
version: 10
  #The log level
  #Available types:
  #  0: Trace
  #  1: Debug
  #  2: Info
  #  3: Warn
  #  4: Error
  #  5: Critical
  #  6: Off
  level: 1
  #Disable/enable ascii codes in log
  colored: 0
  #Virtualserver log chunk size
  #0 = Disable (Log all to one file)
  #1 = Individual (Create for each virtual server a new log)
  #>1 = Chunked (Use for each n virtual servers the same log file)
  #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
  vs_size: 0
  #The log file path
  #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
  path: logs/log_${time}(%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)_${group}.log
  #The terminal log level
  level: 2
    #The server stopped message
    server_stop: Server stopped
    #The server stopped message
    stop: Application stopped
    #The application crashed message
    crash: Application crashed
  #The idle time kick message
  idle_time: Idle time exceeded
    #The mute notify message
    mute_message: "Hey!\nI muted you!"
    #The unmute notify message
    unmute_message: "Hey!\nI unmuted you!"
      #The message when a client get kicked caused by an invalid hardware id
      hardware_id: Invalid hardware id. Protocol hacked?
      #The message when a client get kicked caused by an invalid command
      command: Invalid command. Protocol hacked?
      #The message when a client get kicked caused by an invalid badges
      badges: Invalid badges. Protocol hacked?
    #This is the kick/ban message when a client tries to connect with a vpn
    #Variables are enabled. Available:
    # - provider.name => Contains the provider of the ip which has been flaged as vps
    # - provider.website => Contains the website provider of the ip which has been flaged as vps
    kick: "Please disable your VPN! (Provider: ${provider.name})"
  #The database url
  #Available urls:
  #  sqlite://[file]
  #  mysql://[host][:port]/[database][?propertyName1=propertyValue1[&propertyName2=propertyValue2]...]
  #More info about about the mysql url could be found here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html
  #There's also a new property called 'connections', which describes how many connections and queries could be executed synchronously
  #MySQL example: mysql://localhost:3306/teaspeak?userName=root&password=mysecretpassword&connections=4
  #Attention: If you're using MySQL you need at least 3 connections!
  database_url: sqlite://TeaData.sqlite
  #Insert here your license code (if you have one)
  license: none
  #The crashdump file path
  crash_path: crash_dumps/
  #The command prefix within the chat
  command_prefix: .
    #The default host for the file server
    #The default port for the file server
    port: 30303
    #The default host for the query server
    #The default port for the query server
    port: 10101
  #The displayed version to the client
  #This option is only for the premium version.
  version: "TeaSpeak 1.2.23-beta [Build: 1540081618]"
  #The displayed platform to the client
  #This option is only for the premium version.
  platform: Linux
  #The displayed licence type to every TeaSpeak 3 Client
  #Attention this option just work for non 3.2 clients!
  #Available types:
  #  0: No Licence
  #  1: Authorised TeaSpeak Host Provider License (ATHP)
  #  2: Offline/Lan Licence
  #  3: Non-Profit License (NPL)
  #  4: Unknown Licence
  #  5: ~placeholder~
  #  6: Auto-License (Server based)
  #  7: Auto-License (Instance based)
  #This option is only for the premium version.
  licence: 7
  #Enable/disable the deletion of old bans within the database
  delete_old_bans: 1
  #Enable/disable the deletion of invalid icon id permissions
  delete_missing_icon_permissions: 0
  #Change the query newline character
  nl_char: "\n\r"
  #The query welcome message
  #Notice: If not like Tea*Speak then some applications may not recognize the Query
  #Default Tea*Speak 3 MOTD:
  #TS3\n\rWelcome to the Tea*Speak 3 ServerQuery interface, type \"help\" for a list of commands and \"help <command>\" for information on a specific command.\n\r\n\r
  motd: "TeaSpeak\n\rWelcome on the TeaSpeak ServerQuery interface.\n\r"
  #Enable/disable SSL for query
  #Available modes:
  #  0: Disabled
  #  1: Enabled (Enforced encryption)
  #  2: Hybrid (Prefer encryption but fallback when it isnt available)
  enableSSL: 2
    #The SSL certificate for the query manager
    #The SSL certificate for the query manager
    certificate: certs/query_certificate.pem
    #The SSL private key for the query manager (You have to export the key without a password!)
    privatekey: certs/query_privatekey.pem
  #Change the default voice server port
  default_port: 9987
  #Enable/disable the mute notify
  notifymute: 1
  #Supress the MyTS integration warnings
  suppress_myts_warnings: 1
    #The amount of precomputed puzzles
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    puzzle_pool_size: 128
    #The puzzle level. (A higher number will result a longer calculation time for the manager RSA puzzle)
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    puzzle_level: 1000
    #Enforces the cookie exchange (Low level protection against distributed denial of service attacks (DDOS attacks))
    #This option is highly recommended!
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    enforce_cookie: 1
  #Maximum amount of join attempts per second.
  connect_limit: 10
  #Maximum amount of join attempts per second per ip.
  client_connect_limit: 3
    #Its just a test for the new Tea*Speak licensing system (you require a extra plugin!)
    experimental_31: 0
  #Disable/enable the possibility to connect via the TeaSpeak web manager
  enabled: 1
    #The SSL certificate for the web manager
    certificate: certs/default_certificate.pem
    #The SSL private key for the web manager (You have to export the key without a password!)
    privatekey: certs/default_privatekey.pem
  #Thread pool size for the ticking task of a VirtualServer
  #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
  ticking: 2
    #Max number of threads for command handling on the instance
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    execute_limit: 10
    #Threads per server for command executing
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    execute_per_server: 3
    #LibEvent events per server
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    events_per_server: 4
    #Minimum IO threads
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    io_min: 3
    #IO Thread increase per server
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    io_per_server: 4
    #Max IO threads
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    io_limit: 10
    #Max number of threads for command handling on the instance
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    execute_limit: 15
    #Threads per server for command executing
    #Do NOT TOUCH unless you're 100% sure!
    execute_per_bot: 1
  #The fallback country if lookup fails
  fallback_country: DE
    #The mapping file for the given provider
    #Default for IP2Location: geoloc/IP2Location.CSV
    #Default for Software77: geoloc/IpToCountry.csv
    file: geoloc/IP2Location.CSV
    #The IP 2 location resolver
    #0 = IP2Location
    #1 = Software77
    type: 0
  #Disable/enable the IP2Location lookup
  force_fallback_country: 0
    #The mapping file for vpn checker (https://github.com/client9/ipcat/blob/master/datacenters.csv)
    file: geoloc/ipcat.csv
    #Disable/enable the vpn test
    enabled: 0
  #Enable/disable the music bots
  enabled: 1


Well-known member
#Its just a test for the new Tea*Speak licensing system (you require a extra plugin!)
experimental_31: 0

set experimental_31: 1
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