Active member
It would be really cool if I could be able to not only skip a song in the client (when clicking on a bot), but being able to play the "previous" song. Therefor the "Back" Button.
See: http://prntscr.com/npvm1c
There is only the "skip" Button, but a "Back" button would be really nice.
Example: http://prntscr.com/npvtdk
(This example does not mean that it woulnt fold like usual. This is just a bad example ;P
It would be really cool if I could be able to not only skip a song in the client (when clicking on a bot), but being able to play the "previous" song. Therefor the "Back" Button.
See: http://prntscr.com/npvm1c
There is only the "skip" Button, but a "Back" button would be really nice.
Example: http://prntscr.com/npvtdk
(This example does not mean that it woulnt fold like usual. This is just a bad example ;P