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Completed my bot can not connect to Query


my bot can not connect to Query i most be edit what line to fixed this error? TS3 Error: invalid reply from the server

#Change the query newline character
nl_char: "\r\n"
#The query welcome message
#Notice: If not like Tea*Speak then some applications may not recognize the Query
#Default Tea*Speak 3 MOTD:
motd: "TS3\r\nWelcome to the Tea*Speak 3 ServerQuery interface, type "help" for a list of commands and "help <command>" for information on a specific command.\r\n"
#Enable/disable SSL for query
#Available modes:
# 0: Disabled
# 1: Enabled (Enforced encryption)
# 2: Hybrid (Prefer encryption but fallback when it isnt available)
enableSSL: 2
#The SSL certificate for the query manager
#The SSL certificate for the query manager
certificate: certs/query_certificate.pem
#The SSL private key for the query manager (You have to export the key without a password!)
privatekey: certs/query_privatekey.pem


  motd: "TS3\r\nWelcome to the Tea*Speak 3 ServerQuery interface, type \"help\" for a list of commands and \"help <command>\" for information on a specific command.\r\n"
Have you changed this in your config.yml ?