Update available:
Hey folks,
this important announcement will be about the future of TeaSpeak.
But first of all, let me thank each and every one of you for your great support and feedback throughout the project so far.
Over the past years, we have built a pleasant, helpful and continuously growing community of amazing people.
You stand out for your encouragement, and constructive feedback as well as your extraordinary support for all members of the community.
With your support, I have been able to successfully build, maintain and evolve the TeaSpeak - Server, Client and WebClient applications!
As of now, more than 1500 individual server instances are up and running, serving over 70.000 - 100.000 concurrent connected users worldwide daily!
When I started TeaSpeak back in 2017,
I was in Highschool, I saw a need, had a vision, some time to spare and was drinking lots of tea while programming the first server version.
Since then I have put in a lot of my personal spare time and effort into it, maintaining as well as developing new features or implementing your suggested ideas. We have successfully created a web client, integrated a music bot system and processed over a thousand issues on GitHub, not to
mention all the work done within the forum by you and the TeaSpeak team.
This close Interaction with you makes TeaSpeak unique as a software compared to any other known VoIP communication software.
But times are changing!
I graduated from Highschool, enrolled in a University and moved out into my first own home.
Growing up does not only mean independence, it also comes with more responsibilities, furthermost financially maintaining oneself.
As I am not on a grant and do get little monetary support I depend on a paid job to be able to pay my bills.
I very much love to work on the TeaSpeak project and hate not to have enough time to push things forward as I used to do.
You may have probably noticed this as you see me less active in our forum.
I am trying my best to frequently allocate any time I can spare for support and development.
But sometimes I only have enough free time twice or three times a week.
This is clearly not sufficient to keep the project running on the long term and
would eventually lead TeaSpeak to fall apart due to such a stupid reason.
A thing I would absolutely hate to see happening.
To avoid such a future, some things must be changed.
I am currently waging some thoughts and developing ideas.
Since the active community is a key element in TeaSpeak project, I want to share these thoughts with you at this very early stage.
You are very much invited to comment and voice your opinions.
Maybe you have even some other ideas. Please let me know!
Please keep in mind, that the following Ideas are just early thoughts and it is not about a decision,
which has been made or needs to be made soon.
Right now, these 3 broad future options have sprung up in my thinking:
In conclusion, what does this mean to the feature of TeaSpeak?
First of all: This will not be the end of TeaSpeak. TeaSpeak will not fall apart and constantly be maintained by me in the feature!
Even though some things need to change TeaSpeak will live on!
TeaSpeak has and will have a bright feature as the software it currently is and its upcoming new features.
You are welcome to comment, share your thoughts and introduce new ideas on this topic.
Best regards
PS: This post turned out to be much longer that originally expected, but thanks for reading thou it, if you've done so!
Update available:
Hey folks,
this important announcement will be about the future of TeaSpeak.
But first of all, let me thank each and every one of you for your great support and feedback throughout the project so far.
Over the past years, we have built a pleasant, helpful and continuously growing community of amazing people.
You stand out for your encouragement, and constructive feedback as well as your extraordinary support for all members of the community.
With your support, I have been able to successfully build, maintain and evolve the TeaSpeak - Server, Client and WebClient applications!
As of now, more than 1500 individual server instances are up and running, serving over 70.000 - 100.000 concurrent connected users worldwide daily!
When I started TeaSpeak back in 2017,
I was in Highschool, I saw a need, had a vision, some time to spare and was drinking lots of tea while programming the first server version.
Since then I have put in a lot of my personal spare time and effort into it, maintaining as well as developing new features or implementing your suggested ideas. We have successfully created a web client, integrated a music bot system and processed over a thousand issues on GitHub, not to
mention all the work done within the forum by you and the TeaSpeak team.
This close Interaction with you makes TeaSpeak unique as a software compared to any other known VoIP communication software.
But times are changing!
I graduated from Highschool, enrolled in a University and moved out into my first own home.
Growing up does not only mean independence, it also comes with more responsibilities, furthermost financially maintaining oneself.
As I am not on a grant and do get little monetary support I depend on a paid job to be able to pay my bills.
I very much love to work on the TeaSpeak project and hate not to have enough time to push things forward as I used to do.
You may have probably noticed this as you see me less active in our forum.
I am trying my best to frequently allocate any time I can spare for support and development.
But sometimes I only have enough free time twice or three times a week.
This is clearly not sufficient to keep the project running on the long term and
would eventually lead TeaSpeak to fall apart due to such a stupid reason.
A thing I would absolutely hate to see happening.
To avoid such a future, some things must be changed.
I am currently waging some thoughts and developing ideas.
Since the active community is a key element in TeaSpeak project, I want to share these thoughts with you at this very early stage.
You are very much invited to comment and voice your opinions.
Maybe you have even some other ideas. Please let me know!
Please keep in mind, that the following Ideas are just early thoughts and it is not about a decision,
which has been made or needs to be made soon.
Right now, these 3 broad future options have sprung up in my thinking:
- Commercialise TeaSpeak
Since the beginning, TeaSpeak is a free to use software.
If you wonder about the premium memberships we offer,
I can truthfully state that all earnings went back into the project.
Even though this idea seems to be counter-intuitive to the original concept of TeaSpeak,
this step might be required to keep it rolling. It would allow me to quit my job and
put this time into TeaSpeak.
Commercialisation might also bring other benefits like being able to hire employees,
having updates on regular bases and so on.
- Finding and entering a development partnership
The development workload of TeaSpeak is way over available time I have right now.
Finding a partnership could be effective in two ways:
⠀- Reducing the development workload
If I could find a partner with which I could develop TeaSpeak together it would reduce the workload for me a lot.
Sadly, I've not yet found anybody, who has some spare time and seems to be capable of maintaining TeaSpeak.
- Helping out financially
This would be like the thought "Commercialise TeaSpeak", except not commercialising TeaSpeak.
Even though the commercial aspect isn't a thing,
I don't think that you can find anybody which supports the project financially without wanting something in return.
But maybe, somebody could demonstrate the opposite?
- Reducing the development workload
- Make TeaSpeak a FOSS (Free and open-source software)
As stated, I don't want to see TeaSpeak to fall apart,
so if I have no time to actively maintain TeaSpeak I want to bring up the opportunity for everybody else.
Even though this opportunity sounds like a charm in the first place, it has some decent drawbacks.
I would be depended on voluntary support (especially financially) to keep up
the services we currently provide (website, forum, file mirrors and so on).
So in conclusion, even thou everybody has the opportunity to contribute and work on the project,
the project will not be the same as it today....
In conclusion, what does this mean to the feature of TeaSpeak?
First of all: This will not be the end of TeaSpeak. TeaSpeak will not fall apart and constantly be maintained by me in the feature!
Even though some things need to change TeaSpeak will live on!
TeaSpeak has and will have a bright feature as the software it currently is and its upcoming new features.
You are welcome to comment, share your thoughts and introduce new ideas on this topic.
Best regards
PS: This post turned out to be much longer that originally expected, but thanks for reading thou it, if you've done so!
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